Get Started: USWCC | Certification Assist
Certification Assist is a Certification Application Preparation Service
If you are seeking a certification with a third-party certifier like the U.S. Women’s Chamber of Commerce
or direct with the Small Business Administration, the USWCC | Certification Assist Team
supports you before you formally apply for certification.
We help you to:
Organize your documents and prepare the application.
Troubleshoot potential issues with preparation and eligibility.
Answer questions and concerns before you formally apply for certification.
What are the advantages of USWCC | Certification Assist?
If you are seeking a certification with a third-party certifier (like the U.S. Women’s Chamber of Commerce), the USWCC | Certification Assist Team works with you before you formally apply for certification.
Our USWCC | Certification Assist Team helps you:
Organize your documents and prepare the application document.
Troubleshoot potential issues with preparation or eligibility.
Answer questions before you file your application.
After you complete the USWCC | Certification Assist process, you may either:
Apply for third-party certification with the U.S. Women’s Chamber of Commerce processing center.
Apply for certification with the SBA or another third-party certifier (with the assistance of USWCC | Certification Assist team).
Determine not to apply for certification — or wait to apply (due to eligibility issues discovered during the USWCC | Certification Assist process)
What is the cost to register for USWCC | Certification Assist?
The USWCC | Certification Assist process registration fee is detailed below.
After completing Certification Assist, if you elect to proceed with application for WOSB or EDWOSB with the U.S. Women’s Chamber of Commerce processing center, participants in the USWCC | Certification Assist process will receive a discount on their certification application as follows:
$225 for USWCC | Suppliers Members –> Then, your certification application fee is discounted from the normal $275 to just $150.
$250 for USWCC | Business Members –> Then, your certification application fee is discounted from the normal $275 to just $150.
$276 for Non-Members, Others –> Then, your certification application fee is discounted from the normal $350 to just $175.
Remember, you can take advantage of our Certification Assist services if you plan on using our third-party certification services – or, if you plan on using the SBA certification services. Our experienced USWCC | Certification Assist team works side-by-side with your team to organize, prepare and troubleshoot before your formally apply for certification. Save time. Avoid Mistakes.
Get Started
Are you interested in the USWCC | Certification Assist process? If so, please complete this interest form – our team will respond via email to help you register and get started.