USWCC Certification Options
“Opening doors around the globe for women-owned firms.”
Women business owners are seeking to advance their business growth as suppliers to governments and large corporations in the United States and internationally. To assist these firms and provide strong market leadership, the U.S. Women’s Chamber of Commerce provides multiple certification and certification preparation services.
Key Certification Links:
USWCC | Certification Assist (certification preparation service)
Getting Started with Certification
Service Option #1:
Third-Party Certification Application and Exam for Federal WOSB, EDWOSB Program
Formal, Certification Application Submission and Examination Service
As an SBA authorized third-party certifier for the federal WOSB and EDWOSB set-aside programs, the USWCC | Certification Examination Team must follow strict federal guidelines for the intake and exam of your documents and application.
When a firm makes an application for third-party examination, the USWCC | Certification Examination Team cannot consult with you regarding your firm’s eligibility. We may ONLY review the documents and application you submit and render a decision regarding your firm’s eligibility.
Get Started: Click on one of the following certification options:
WOSB: Women-Owned Small Business
Application for federal certification as a WOSBEDWOSB: Economically Disadvantaged Women-Owned Small Business
Application for federal certification as an EDWOSB
Service Option #2:
USWCC | Certification Assist
Certification Assist is a Certification Application Preparation Service
If you are seeking a certification with a third-party certifier like the U.S. Women’s Chamber of Commerce or direct with the Small Business Administration, the USWCC | Certification Assist Team supports you before you formally apply for certification.
We help you to:
Organize your documents and prepare the application.
Troubleshoot potential issues with preparation and eligibility.
Answer questions and concerns before you formally apply for certification.
Additional Information
You may also view our Certification Support.
Important: Due to the detailed nature of the certification process and our obligation to document communications, we ask that you understand most of our communications with you will be in writing. Generally, we are able to answer basic questions about the certification forms and tools used to submit your application, signatures and uploaded documents and direct you to the federal rules for the WOSB/EDWOSB program. However, we cannot advise you regarding your specific answers to application questions.
Important Notice
Our current examination time period is around 30 – 45 business days. Examination begins once all supporting documents have been confirmed as received. All of our certification application and document review is performed online.