USWCC | NWBE Certification
National Women’s Business Enterprise -
State / Local / Corporate
This trusted, highly respected USWCC women-owned business certification is provided for firms seeking supplier opportunities with large corporations, B2B, certain State / Local governments and to reach firms seeking to support women-owned businesses. This certification provides clear and trusted authentication of your firm's women-owned status Women-owned firms and individuals also utilize this certification when selecting partnership relationships and when seeking to purchase from a women-owned business.
NWBE Certification Process
The certification application process is straightforward:
Complete the Preliminary Acknowledgements
Make payment for certification services
Complete application form
Upload required supporting documents
Initial review / verification of submissions before examination
Findings Announced
Annual Review
To get started, begin the certification process below.
(1) Complete the Preliminary Acknowledgments
—> Go here to complete the Preliminary Acknowledgements for the NWBE and/or IWBE certification.
IMPORTANT: The Preliminary Acknowledgements document also contains a list of the required documents you will need to upload (below). We recommend you print this document to use as a checklist to assure you upload all required documents.
TIP: The first time you use HelloSign (our secure, web-based document completion/signature system), you will be asked to provide your email address. HelloSign will send you an email to verify you and begin the process to enable your completion and signature of our forms.
(2) Make payment for certification services
Our non-refundable certification services fee is $275 for U.S. Women’s Chamber of Commerce Business and Suppliers Members; $350 for Non-Members. When you pay for and complete the EDWOSB or WOSB first, your certification payment will also cover charges for the NWBE and/or IWBE certification.
If you are not already a USWCC Business or Supplier Member, you may join here as a Business or Supplier Member and save $75 on the certification services fee.
—> Make payment for certification services here.
Please Note: The email address that you enter to pay the certification fee must be associated with the owner of the applicant company. This will be the one that is associated with your certification account and the one that you will login with to submit your documents.
(3) Complete application form
Complete the certification application for your certification type and submit with your eSignature.
IMPORTANT: Once you start completing the application online, you must fully complete and sign the document during one session. You may not return to the document later. If you do not complete the document and signature in one setting, you will need to START OVER.
Download a SAMPLE of the NWBE/IWBE Application to prepare.
(4) Upload required supporting documents
The list of required supporting documents is listed in the Preliminary Acknowledgements document you completed completed above.
(5) Initial review / verification of submissions before acceptance for examination
The U.S. Women’s Chamber of Commerce Certification Team will review everything you have submitted for completeness before accepting your application for examination.
Possible Actions:
Notification of Application Deficiency: If anything is missing, you will be notified of deficiencies in your application. Acceptance of your application and examination will not begin until all elements of the application are complete.
Acceptance of Application for Examination: If everything is complete, you will be notified that your application has been accepted for review.
TIP: When the USWCC Certification Team issues either a “Notification of Application Deficiency” or an Application Acceptance letter, we will place a link to these notifications at [You will need to login — your USWCC login will work at our website to review the communications.]
Our certification team will also note where you are in the overall process at this secure webpage. You must be logged in to view the information for your firm. We strongly recommend you bookmark this link.
(6) Examination
Primary Examination: After the U.S. Women’s Chamber of Commerce Certification Team issues a notice that your application has been accepted for examination, we will schedule your exam with a Primary Examiner.
Secondary Examination: For quality assurance purposes, after your application has been reviewed by the Primary Examiner assigned to your case, your application is also reviewed by a Secondary Examiner.
Possible Actions:
Additional Information Request: During the exam period, our Application Examiners may issue a request for additional information. This request may include additional documents or answers to specific questions about your firm, management, financial and/or legal status. If you receive an Application Information Request, please answer this request promptly (see “Timeliness” in the TIPS below) and notify our Certification Team when you are done.
Completion of Examination by both Primary and Secondary Examiners: When both examiners complete the examinations of your application, a determination is made regarding the approval or denial of certification. Occasionally, during this phase of the process, either examiner may request additional information from the Applicant.
(7) Findings Announced
After the U.S. Women’s Chamber of Commerce Certification Team makes a final determination regarding your certification application, findings are issued. You will receive a notification of the outcome and this information will also be posted for you at [You will need to login — your USWCC login will work at our website.].
Possible Actions:
Award: If your firm is awarded a certification, you will receive a notification letter and a formal certification document to be used as evidence of your certification. If you have received either the Federal EDWOSB or the WOSB certifications and would also like to secure the U.S. Women’s Chamber of Commerce NWBE and/or IWBE, our certification team will help you complete the additional required application information.
Denial: If your firm is denied certification, you will receive a notification letter including details of the reason(s) for your denial and information related to your option to appeal the ruling within thirty days.
(8)Annual Review
After you secure your certification, you will be advised of the recertification process.
If you are seeking either the Federal EDWOSB or the WOSB, and you also want to secure one of the U.S. Women’s Chamber of Commerce Certifications (NWBE and/or IWBE), begin by completing the Federal (EDWOSB or WOSB) process first. When you have completed the federal process, our certification team will assist you with the additional information to secure the NWBE and/or the IWBE. When you complete the process in this sequence, you pay only one fee for certification.
Important: Due to the detailed nature of the certification process and our obligation to document communications, we ask that you understand most of our communications with you will be in writing. Generally, we are able to answer basic questions about the certification forms and tools used to submit your application, signatures and uploaded documents, and to direct you to the federal rules for the WOSB/EDWOSB program. However, we cannot advise you regarding your specific answers to application questions. Also, we strictly adhere to the federal requirements for the WOSB/EDWOSB certification process. Given these requirements and our need to remain independent and in compliance, our interaction with you during the certification process will be quite formal. Our process is thorough, comprehensive, in compliance with an abundance of rules and regulations, trusted, and of significant value to those firms that secure our certification. We ask that you understand our need for formality and documentation and support our process – as ultimately, the process supports you. *Timeliness: Please note, as per the Preliminary Acknowledgements, we are required to secure from you and assess the status of your business at a specific point in time. Consequently, you must supply all required applications, payments and documents promptly. If you do not complete all elements of your certification or respond to the inquiries of our certification team in a timely manner, your certification application will be deemed to be abandoned and you will need to start the entire process again.
Need Assistance?
Learn about the types of certifications offered.
Visit our Certification Support page and read our FAQ’s. (Updated FAQ link coming soon)
Contact us via our chat support (See the lower right side of your browser for our live chat assistance.)