August 2022 Update: The Loss Continues of Small Business Federal Suppliers
U.S. Women’s Chamber of Commerce finds: The Loss Continues: Between FY 2017 and FY 2021 America lost 26% of our small business federal suppliers – Time is running out for FY 2022.
USWCC Report: Stop the Loss of Small Business Federal Suppliers
U.S. Women’s Chamber of Commerce finds: Between FY 2017 and FY 2020 America lost 24% of our small business federal suppliers.
USWCC Takes On Category Management Negative Impacts on Small Business
As the federal government rapidly pushes forward to implement the President’s Management Agenda to transform the process for federal acquisition to use Category Management through Best-in-Class solutions, it is time for small business and other stakeholders to understand how the Small Business Act’s guarantee — that small business suppliers are provided with the “maximum practicable opportunity” before any and all contracts are awarded — will be upheld. The U.S. Women’s Chamber of Commerce has stepped up to protect the rights and opportunities of small business federal suppliers.
Women’s Businesses Struggle For Market Share
Today, the U.S. Women’s Chamber of Commerce™ released an important report to Congress titled, “Women’s Businesses Struggle for Market Share,” which finds during a decade of strong growth in the number of women-owned firms, women’s revenue-based market share shrank ten percent.